SCI 저널
- Publications
- 국제연구성과물
- SCI 저널
번호 | 내용 | 구분 | 파일 |
41 |
손정현, 서덕영, 박광훈, 김규헌 (2011.07), Cross-layer optimization for multi-view video streaming service over wireless broadband internet, IEICE Transactions on Communications Vol. E94-B, No. 07, pp2104-2113, Jul. 2011. (ITRC); |
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40 |
Y. Kwon, D. Y. Suh, S. C. Kim, E-K. Hong (2011.07) Application driven AMC based Cross Layer Optimization for Video Service over LTE, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, July 7 2011. (IF 0.82 ACK game, ITRC) (Submitted 2010.12; Revised 2011.3. 29; Accepted 2011.4. 13); |
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39 |
H, Jung, Y. Lee, B. Choi, D. Y. Suh, (2011. 02) Cooperative local dimming for accurate backlight brightness matching, IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 47, no. 4, Feb. 17 2011; |
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38 |
윤국진, 김규헌, 허남호, 이수인, 박광훈 (2010.12), Efficient Multiplexing Scheme of Stereoscopic Video Sequences for Digital Broadcasting Services, ETRI Journal vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 961-964, December, 2010; |
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Kyuheon KIM, Youngkwon LIM, Jechang JUNG(2010.11). Hybrid Interactive Data Service Architecture Over T-DMB with Mobile Network, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 2826; |
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36 |
김철근, 서덕영, 박광훈 (2010.09). Cross-layer QoS control for distributed video coding, IEICE Transactions on Communications Vol.E93-B, No.9, pp. 2485-2488, (Paper No. 2009 EBL 4256, Submitted 009.05.22; Revised 2010.01.22); |
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35 | 김경용, 박광훈, 서덕영 (2010.08), Adaptive Depth-map Coding for 3D-Video, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems Vol.E93-D, No.8, pp. 2262-2272, (Paper No. 2009 EDP 7376: Submitted 2009.10.06; Revised 2010.02.19; Accepted 2010.04.19); | SCIE | |
34 |
김경용, 박광훈, 서덕영 (2010.06), Bit-plane-based lossless depth-map coding, SPIE Optical Engineering, 49(6), 067403-1~10 (Paper no. OE 090895, Submitted 2009.11.11; Revised 2010.04.05; Accepted 2010.05.11); |
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33 |
박정아, 서덕영, 박광훈 (2010.03), Distributed video coding with multiple dise information sets, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems vol.E93-D, no.03, pp.654-657, March, 2010, (Paper No. 2009 EDL 8132, Submitted 2009.06.18; Accepted 2009.11.24); |
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32 |
박민우, 박종태, 박광훈, 서덕영 (2009.02), Chrominance compensation for multi-view video coding, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems vol. E92-D, no. 2, pp 353-356, (Paper No. 2008EDL8089, Submitted 2008.06.06; Accepted 2008.10.15); |
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박광훈, 박민우, 임성창, 심우성, 이영렬 (2008.10), Deblocking Filtering for Illumination Compensation in Multiview Video Coding, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (CSVT) vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 1457-1461, (Paper No. TCSVT 1880, Submitted 2007.07.10); (IF: 2.254) |
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30 |
이경준, 서덕영, 박광훈, 허재두 (2008.10), Scalable Video Streaming Adaptive to Time Varying IEEE 802.11 MAC Parameters, IEICE Transactions on Communications vol.E91-B, no. 10, pp. 3404-3408, (Paper No. 2008EBL4134, Submitted 2008.03.28; Accepted 2008.07.08); |
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29 |
박민우, 박광훈, 정세윤, 서덕영, 김규헌 (2007.02), Adaptive GOP structure for Joint Scalable Video Coding, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E90-B,No.2,pp.431-434, Feb. 2007; |
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28 |
조희영, 서덕영, 박광훈 (2006.12), Adaptive QoS Control for Scalable Video Streaming over WLAN, LNCS 4319 (Advances in image and video technology) pp. 949-958, |
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27 |
K. So, J. Kim, W. Cho, Y. Kim, D. Y. Suh (2006.12), Reconfigurable inner product hardware architecture for increased hardware utilization in SDR systems, IEICE Transactions on Communications Vol.E89-B, No. 12; |
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J. Shin, D. Y. Suh, Y. Jeong, S. Park, B. Bae, C. Ahn, (2006.10), Demonstration of Bidirectional Services Using MPEG-4 BIFS in Terrestrial DMB Systems, ETRI Journal, vol.28, no.5, pp.583-592; |
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김철근, 서덕영, 박광훈 (2006.09), Directional filtering for upsampling according to direction information of the base layer in the JVT/SVC codec, LNCS 4179 pp. 1-11. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg; |
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박광훈, 유원혁, 서덕영 (2006.08), H.264-based Selective Fine Granular Scalable Video Coding, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E89-B, No. 8, pp. 2271-2274, Aug. 2006; |
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23 |
Hyun-Cheol KIM, Charalampos Z. PATRIKAKIS, Nikos MINOGIANNIS, Pantelis N. KARAMOLEGKOS, Alex LAMBIRIS, and Kyuheon KIM (2006.08), An MPEG-4 Compliant interactive multimedia streaming platform using overlay networks, ETRI Journal, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 411-424; |
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22 |
Wonha KIM, Seyoon JEONG, and Kyuheon KIM (2006.04), Scalable interframe wavelet coding with low complex spatial wavelet transform, ETRI Journal, Vol. 28., No. 2., pp. 145-154; |
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