SCI 저널

  • Publications
  • 국제연구성과물
  • SCI 저널
번호 내용 구분 파일
41 손정현, 서덕영, 박광훈, 김규헌 (2011.07), Cross-layer optimization for multi-view video streaming service over wireless broadband internet, IEICE Transactions on Communications Vol. E94-B, No. 07, pp2104-2113, Jul. 2011. (ITRC);
SCI 파일다운로드
40 Y. Kwon, D. Y. Suh, S. C. Kim, E-K. Hong (2011.07) Application driven AMC based Cross Layer Optimization for Video Service over LTE, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, July 7 2011. (IF 0.82 ACK game, ITRC) (Submitted 2010.12; Revised 2011.3. 29; Accepted 2011.4. 13);
39 H, Jung, Y. Lee, B. Choi, D. Y. Suh, (2011. 02) Cooperative local dimming for accurate backlight brightness matching, IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 47, no. 4, Feb. 17 2011;
38 윤국진, 김규헌, 허남호, 이수인, 박광훈 (2010.12), Efficient Multiplexing Scheme of Stereoscopic Video Sequences for Digital Broadcasting Services, ETRI Journal vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 961-964, December, 2010;
SCI 파일다운로드
37 Kyuheon KIM, Youngkwon LIM, Jechang JUNG(2010.11). Hybrid Interactive Data Service Architecture Over T-DMB with Mobile Network, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 2826;
36 김철근, 서덕영, 박광훈 (2010.09). Cross-layer QoS control for distributed video coding, IEICE Transactions on Communications Vol.E93-B, No.9, pp. 2485-2488, (Paper No. 2009 EBL 4256, Submitted 009.05.22; Revised 2010.01.22);
SCI 파일다운로드
35 김경용, 박광훈, 서덕영 (2010.08), Adaptive Depth-map Coding for 3D-Video, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems Vol.E93-D, No.8, pp. 2262-2272, (Paper No. 2009 EDP 7376: Submitted 2009.10.06; Revised 2010.02.19; Accepted 2010.04.19); SCIE 파일다운로드
34 김경용, 박광훈, 서덕영 (2010.06), Bit-plane-based lossless depth-map coding, SPIE Optical Engineering, 49(6), 067403-1~10 (Paper no. OE 090895, Submitted 2009.11.11; Revised 2010.04.05; Accepted 2010.05.11);
SCI 파일다운로드
33 박정아, 서덕영, 박광훈 (2010.03), Distributed video coding with multiple dise information sets, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems vol.E93-D, no.03, pp.654-657, March, 2010, (Paper No. 2009 EDL 8132, Submitted 2009.06.18; Accepted 2009.11.24);
SCIE 파일다운로드
32 박민우, 박종태, 박광훈, 서덕영 (2009.02), Chrominance compensation for multi-view video coding, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems vol. E92-D, no. 2, pp 353-356, (Paper No. 2008EDL8089, Submitted 2008.06.06; Accepted 2008.10.15);
SCIE 파일다운로드
31 박광훈, 박민우, 임성창, 심우성, 이영렬 (2008.10), Deblocking Filtering for Illumination Compensation in Multiview Video Coding, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (CSVT) vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 1457-1461, (Paper No. TCSVT 1880, Submitted 2007.07.10); (IF: 2.254)
SCI 파일다운로드
30 이경준, 서덕영, 박광훈, 허재두 (2008.10), Scalable Video Streaming Adaptive to Time Varying IEEE 802.11 MAC Parameters, IEICE Transactions on Communications vol.E91-B, no. 10, pp. 3404-3408, (Paper No. 2008EBL4134, Submitted 2008.03.28; Accepted 2008.07.08);
SCI 파일다운로드
29 박민우, 박광훈, 정세윤, 서덕영, 김규헌 (2007.02), Adaptive GOP structure for Joint Scalable Video Coding, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E90-B,No.2,pp.431-434, Feb. 2007;
SCI 파일다운로드
28 조희영, 서덕영, 박광훈 (2006.12), Adaptive QoS Control for Scalable Video Streaming over WLAN, LNCS 4319 (Advances in image and video technology) pp. 949-958,
SCIE 파일다운로드
27 K. So, J. Kim, W. Cho, Y. Kim, D. Y. Suh (2006.12), Reconfigurable inner product hardware architecture for increased hardware utilization in SDR systems, IEICE Transactions on Communications Vol.E89-B, No. 12;
26 J. Shin, D. Y. Suh, Y. Jeong, S. Park, B. Bae, C. Ahn, (2006.10), Demonstration of Bidirectional Services Using MPEG-4 BIFS in Terrestrial DMB Systems, ETRI Journal, vol.28, no.5, pp.583-592;
25 김철근, 서덕영, 박광훈 (2006.09), Directional filtering for upsampling according to direction information of the base layer in the JVT/SVC codec, LNCS 4179 pp. 1-11. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg;
SCIE 파일다운로드
24 박광훈, 유원혁, 서덕영 (2006.08), H.264-based Selective Fine Granular Scalable Video Coding, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E89-B, No. 8, pp. 2271-2274, Aug. 2006;
SCI 파일다운로드
23 Hyun-Cheol KIM, Charalampos Z. PATRIKAKIS, Nikos MINOGIANNIS, Pantelis N. KARAMOLEGKOS, Alex LAMBIRIS, and Kyuheon KIM (2006.08), An MPEG-4 Compliant interactive multimedia streaming platform using overlay networks, ETRI Journal, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 411-424;
22 Wonha KIM, Seyoon JEONG, and Kyuheon KIM (2006.04), Scalable interframe wavelet coding with low complex spatial wavelet transform, ETRI Journal, Vol. 28., No. 2., pp. 145-154;

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