국제표준 기고서 및 학술발표

  • Publications
  • 국제연구성과물
  • 국제표준 기고서 및 학술발표
번호 내용 파일
24 D. Y. Suh, C. Tsai, A. Cotarmanach, K. Kim, A. Perkis, "Comprehensive interoperability between MPEG and IETF," MPEG Meeting, M10047, Briabane, Australia, Oct. 2003.
23 Yun Bum Jung, Doug Young Suh, Kwang Oh Ko, Sang Jo Lee, " Measurement and analysis of cdma20001x channel for Internet multimedia services," Proceedings of CIC 2003, p532, October 2003.
22 D. Y. Suh, H. Kim, K. Kim, "FEC for variable size packets of continuous media," MPEG Meeting, M9800, Trondheim, Norway, July 2003.
21 D. Y. Suh, M. Devetsikiotis, "NAL compatible to QoS controlled network," JVT of ISO/IEC MPEG & ITU-T VCEG, C063, Fairfax, VA, USA, May 2002.
20 Doug Young Suh, Se Jin Lee, "Performance evaluation of MPEG-4 Error Resilience tools under W-CDMA Environments", IWIE 2002, pp39-44, May 2002.
19 J. Jeong, D. Y. Suh, J. Shin, J. M. Seok, J. H. Lee, "Compatibility of MPEG-4 traffic descriptors to the current networks," MPEG Meeting, M7740, Pataya, Thailand, Dec. 2001.
18 Doug Y. Suh, Young K. Lim. Myoung H. Lee, "M6250: Proposal of Traffic descriptors for VBR traffic over VBR channels," MPEG Meeting, China, July, 2000.
17 Doug Young Suh, Hyun Cheol Kim, Youg Kwon Lim, Myung Ho Lee, "Probabilistic analysis of MPEG-4 error resilience tools in W-CDMA environments", Proceedings of the IEEE 2000 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Vol.Ⅲ, pp638-641, May 2000.
16 D. Y. Suh, J. M. Seok, "An MPEG-4 based Software Video Phone Tolerant of Internet Packet Loss," IEEE ICCE (IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics), USA, pp220-221, Jun. 1999.
15 D. Y. Suh, J. M. Seok, "H.323 Based Video Services Between IP Terminals via ATM Backbone," Packet Video 99, New York, USA, Apr. 1999.
14 Doug Y. Suh, Joo M. Seok, "Setting up Virtual Channel for H.263 Video Traffic", ATM Forum Contribution 98-0919, Dec., 1998, Nashiville, USA.
13 Doug Y. Suh, Joo M. Seok, "Video services between H.323 terminals via ATM Network", ITU-T SG16 Q15-F-28, Nov., 1998, Seoul, Korea.
12 D. Y. Suh, S. G. HAN, S. G. CHANG, " CBR,VBR.1,VBR.2 and VBR.3 Sevices of ATM Network for VBR Encoded Real-time MPEG Traffic," IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Communications/ Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems, Singapore Vol 2 of 2, pp482-485 November. 1998.
11 Doug Y. Suh, Joo M. Seok, "Prioritized Cell transportation for Layered Video Service", ATM Forum Contribution 98-0678, Oct., 1998, Gold Coast, Australia.
10 Doug Y. Suh, Seung G. Chang, Seung G. Han, "H.263v2 video transportation over ATM ABR Channel", ATM Forum Contribution 98-0677, Oct., 1998, Gold Coast, Australia.
9 Doug Y. Suh, Seung G. Chang, Seung G. Han, "Traffic Shaping for Layered Video Encoding", Q15-E18, ITU-T Q15/SG16, July, 1998, Whistler, Canada.
8 Doug Y. Suh, Seung G. Chang, Seung G. Han, "Prioritized Cell transportation for Layered Video Service", ATM Forum Contribution 98-0447, July, 1998, Portland, USA.
7 Seung G. Han, Doug Y. Suh, Seop H. Park, "Traffic Contract for CBR, VBR.1, VBR.2, and VBR.3 Services of VBR Encoded Real-Time MPEG Traffic", ATM Forum Contribution 98-079, Feb., 1998, Anaheim, USA.
6 Seung G. Han, Seung G. Chang, Doug Y. Suh, Seop H. Park, "Traffic Shaping of Delay Sensitive MPEG-2 Video", ATM Forum Contribution 97-994, Dec., 1997, Singapore.
5 Seung G. Han, Doug Y. Suh, Seop H. Park, "Traffic Shaping for Multiplexing Delay Sensitive MPEG-2 Video Bit Streams", ATM Forum Contribution 97-994, Dec., 1997, Singapore.

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