국제표준 기고서 및 학술발표

  • Publications
  • 국제연구성과물
  • 국제표준 기고서 및 학술발표
번호 내용 파일
64 [MPEG] Junoh Kim, Doug Young Suh, Bulletin board for Network Abstraction for Media (2011.06) , MPEG All Systems, Jun 2011.
63 Chul Keun Kim, Min Geon Kim, Doug Young Suh (2009.08), Distributed video coding encoder/decoder complexity sharing method by phase motion estimation algorithm, PACRIM2009, pp849-853, Canada, August 2009.
62 Chul Keun Kim, Kim, Doug Young Suh (2009.08), A cross-layer rate control method for distributed video coding, PACRIM2009, pp867-871, Canada, August 2009.
61 D. Y. Suh, J. W. Hong (2009.07), M16586: Harmonization with the existing QoS protocols for MMT, MPEG 89 London, July 2009.
60 J. A. Park, D. Y. Suh (2009.07), Distributed Video Coding with Majority Rule on Multiple Sets of Side Inforamtion, ITC-CSCC 2009, S28-E5, pp95-98, July 2009.
59 D. Y. Suh (2009.07), Session Chair, S28-E5 Distributed Video Coding, ITC-CSCC 2009, July 2009.
58 B.S. Choi, D.Y. Suh, G.H. Park, K. Kim, J.A. Park (2009.06). Peer-to-peer scalable video streaming using RAPTOR code, ICUFN 2009 (International conference on ubiquitous and future networks), Session 3B-4, 2009.06.08, Hong Kong.
57 D. Y. Suh, J. H. Cho (2009.06), S4-090402 : Discussion on IVS Layer Identification, 3GPP SA4 54th, Ystad, Sweden, 22-26 June, 2009.
56 Doug Young Suh, Yongju Cho (2009.04), "M16327: For Realization of MANE," MPEG 88th in Maui, USA.
55 K. Kim, J.W. Lee, D.Y. Suh, and G.H. Park (2009.01.28), “Efficient stereoscopic contents file format on the basis of ISO base media file format” Proc. SPIE Vol. 7256, pp. 72560N-1 ~ 72560N-9 , Jan. 2009.
54 G.H. Park, M.W. Park, Y.L. Lee, S.C. Lim, D.Y. Suh, K. Kim (2007.10). "Simplification of B- and P-SKIP modes on Illumination Compensation," JVT-Y033, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 and ITU-T SG16 Q.6, JVT 25th meeting, Shenzhen, China., Oct. 20 ~ 26, 2007. [H.264 Amd. 4 MVC] 파일다운로드
53 S. J. Ham, C. J. Choi, S. M. Shin, Y. S. Kim, D. Y. Suh, J. S. Kim (2007.07), "Performance Improvement of Beamforming Algorithm Using Enahncement in WCDMA System," Proceedings of ITC-CSCC, pp573-574, July 8-11, 2007.
52 D. Y. Suh, G. H. Park, T. S. Park, B. S. Choi, C. B. Park, D. Y. Kim, Y. H. Lee (2007.06). "SVC cross XORed redundant pics," JVT-X045, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 and ITU-T SG16 Q.6, JVT 24th meeting, Geneva, Swiss, June 29~ July 5, 2007. 파일다운로드
51 W.S. Shim, M.W. Park. G.H. Park, D.Y. Suh, H.S. Song, Y.H. Moon, J.B. Choi (2007.04). "CE5 results- Joint proposal for MVC deblocking," JVT-W024, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 and ITU-T SG16 Q.6, JVT 23rd meeting, San Jose U.S.A., April 21~27, 2007. [H.264 MVC] 파일다운로드
50 G.H. Park, M.W. Park, D.Y. Suh and K. Kim (2007.01). "MVC Deblocking for illumination compensation," JVT-V033, Joint Video Team (JVT) of ISO/IEC MPEG & ITU-T VCEG (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 and ITU-T SG16 Q.6) 22nd Meeting: Marrakech, Morocco, 13?19 January, 2007 [H.264 MVC] 파일다운로드
49 D. Y. Suh (2007.01), "A shortened NAL header for light applicaitons," JVT of ISO/IEC MPEG & ITU-T VCEG, JVT-V129, Marrakesh, Moroco, 12-19.
48 G. H. Park, S. Y. Jeong, M. W. Park, K.H. Kim, D. Y. Suh, K. A. Moon, J. W. Hong (2006.10), “Response to CE 5: Improvement of AR PR Slices,” JVT-U073, Joint Video Team (JVT) of ISO/IEC MPEG & ITU-T VCEG (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 and ITU-T SG16 Q.6), 21st Meeting: Hangzhou, China, 20-27 October, 2006. 파일다운로드
47 S. Y. Jeong, M. W. Park, G. H. Park, K. Kim, D. Y. Suh(2006.10), “Cross check and comparison of Tool1 and Tool2 of CE5,” JVT-U074, Joint Video Team (JVT) of ISO/IEC MPEG & ITU-T VCEG (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 and ITU-T SG16 Q.6), 21st Meeting: Hangzhou, China, 20-27 October, 2006. 파일다운로드
46 T. W. Hwang, B. G. Lee, Y. S. Kim, D. Y. Suh, J. S. Kim (2006.08), "Improved Anti-collision Scheme for high speed identification in RFID system," Proceedings of ICICIC, pp449-452, August 30 - Sep. 1 2006.
45 D. Y. Suh, G. H. Park, J. Oh, M. W. Park (2006.07), “CE6 progress report on JVTS015: extended redundant picture (XRP) against loss of key pictures”, Joint Video Team (JVT) of ISO/IEC MPEG & ITU-T VCEG (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 and ITU-T SG16 Q.6) JVT-T028, JVT 20th Meeting, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 17 ~ July 22, 2006. 파일다운로드

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